TLDR; If you’re looking for a replacement screen for a DNA60 Billet Box you need a large screen.
choosing the right DNA screen replacement
Choosing the correct replacement DNA screen can be a bit of a faff. Nowhere near as tricky as patting your head whilst rubbing your tummy, but there’s definitely a few things you need to be aware of.
Whilst the newer Evolv boards ( don’t call them DNA chips, you’ll be barred) share the same screens, some of the older DNA boards can have some confusing options. There’s DNA 60 small screen and large screen choices. Then there’s DNA 40 large screens and small screens. There’s DNA 30’s, DNA 75’s, 200’s and more. Working out which screen is compatible with which board can be a nightmare if you’re noob or simply not paying that much attention.
Trust me. I’ve bought the wrong screen twice.

DNA Replacement Screens: A Visual
Here you can see the types of DNA replacement screens available. Not many, but enough to befuddle the mind of the modder. Let’s look at each one one in turn, find out what they are and which screen is the right one for your mod.
The screens:
- DNA 20 / 25 / 30 / 40 Small Screen*
- DNA 60 Small Screen **
- DNA 40 large / 60 large*** / 75 / 200 / 250
- DNA 75C / 100C / 250C
* Flex cable soldered to board
**Must have small screen DNA60 firmware
***Must have large screen DNA60 firmware

We have a new contender
Meet option 5. As of late 2023 we now have a colour screen for a new board, the Evolv DNA60C.
It only fits the 60C. Nothing else!
confused yet?
I am.
So here’s a little table which might make things a bit clearer.

DNA Screen Sorted?
Hopefully the above has made things a little easier for you and things are now a little less confuddling.
As always, our mission is to make mod making as simple as it can be, and as such we’ve provided a load of files which may be of use in our awesome site Downloads section here.
Our selection of DNA boards can be found here, replacement screens can be located here and our epic board mounting kits are to be found here.
Be sure to utilise Escribe to keep your firmware fresh, but for those seeking early service packs or wishing to tinker further, check out the Evolv Forum thread here.
Be sure to follow our social media for Evolv news as we get it, and why not join our “Approved Modders” group on Facebook for build tips, hints and advice?
We’re here to help if we can.