Custom Contact Calculator

custom contact calculator

  Tired of winging it when costing up the contacts for your new mod design? Want a specific and fast answer tailored to your needs? Stealthvape has got you sorted. We’re on a mission to make modding easy. Pricing up a run of devices for market can be a faff,  so we’re providing you with […]

We’re Temporarily Halting Monday’s Shipments

Royal Mail Roulette

During lockdown, we’ve noticed an alarming increase in delays with items shipped by Royal Mail on Mondays. This is caused by two factors. Many Royal Mail workers are either off sick or off work caring for their children or dependent family members. The volume of items in Royal Mail’s network is currently exceeding Christmas levels. […]

New Site Feature: Downloads Section

staelthvape evolv dna download

New CAD and Downloads Section We are proud to present to you our new and updated website. The site is packed with many new features to make your life easier, now including an ultra-useful new Downloads Page. Here you will find CAD drawings relating to our own design 510’s, enclosures etc all in one convenient […]



Squonking is fantastic. There’s no denying it, but like everything else in vaping, there are certain routine things you have to do in order to make sure you’re getting the best vape experience every single time. And this one, I have to say, is definitely my least favourite of all…

Dry Burning and Pulsing your Coils: What You Need to Know…


Back in 2016, scientific friend to the vapersphere (and all-round good egg) Dr Kanstantinos Farsalinos inadvertently caused a kerfuffle by discussing “dry burning” coils in an interview on what was the old Ry4 vape radio channel. Concerns fluttered across the internets that we were exposing ourselves to potential unknown harms when building and maintaining our wire and coils for vaping. We panicked. We argued. We consulted arcane metallurgic grimoires and tomes. But mostly we just argued, nothing much actually happened, and the rest, as they say, is confined to the lore of vape history….


But some effects of that discussion remain. With the massive popularity of complex coils like Fused, Staple Staggered Fused and Alien Clapton coils, and their increasing use amongst folk relatively new to the rebuildable atomiser world, people are (quite rightly) asking questions about the materials and techniques they’re now using. They want to know how to correctly make their resistance wire work properly for them. They want to know what’s the best way for them to clean their coils. They want to know how to make their wire and coils last as long as they possibly can. All of this this they want to do effectively, and most importantly, they want to do it safely.


Is dry burning and pulsing my coils going to make me die? A reasonable question I’m sure most of us would agree.