Tag Archives: ecigarette

Choices, choices, choices

As an ex-primary teacher you get used to seeing fads come and go. One minute the playground is awash with marbles and games of tig, the next everyone is playing Call Of Duty and rifle butting their friends in the face with sticks. Things come into existence and vanish with the rapidity of atomic particles at CERN.

Some things remain constant. Tycho Brahe mapped out the movement of the stars and planets in ream upon ream of measurements (in-between his daytime job of sword-fighting to resolve mathematical disputes). Those measurements were honed by Johannes Kepler into three laws of planetary motion that hold as true today as they did in the 17th Century.

I’ve been vaping for around 18 months now and throughout that time fashions have come and gone. Currently, it seems that every mod being made in the Philippines is then produced in two different types of metal before being released in a black coating that has all the durability of butter in the sun.

A little bit of politics

“A little bit of politics!” was, for anyone old enough to remember, Ben Elton’s catchphrase on Friday Night Live. For a large number of people now a little bit of politics is a little bit too much – and so this will attempt to be as apolitical as it is possible to be.

As vapers (or however else you elect to term yourself) I’m sure that very few of us are unaware that legislation of some form or other is heading our way. The lengths to which it will impact upon us may vary due to how you vape, what you vape with, where and when. All that we can hope for is that the decisions made are based on sound science, fair and reasonable.

Sub-ohm Vaping

The fashion for sub-ohm vaping continues to flourish within the vaping community and so for those of you starting out here is a beginner’s guide. Those who chase big clouds at low ohms need to know to do so safely and is only recommended for experienced vapers who are not new to coiling drippers.

Firstly, sub-ohm vaping can be dangerous.

You need to be able to use Ohm’s Law, accurately measure the resistance of your coils, appreciate how coils work when placed in parallel and know what maximum constant current your battery can cope with. Also the juice you use ought to be tailored for very low resistances.


“Dear forum, can you please recommend the best juice/atty/mod for me.”

Single wick, dual coil, silica, mesh, flavour, sub-ohm vaping…as quick as everyone on a forum is talking about one aspect of vaping it suddenly switches to another focus like a tectonic plate suddenly shifting over another.

Take juices: one minute everyone is raving about the stuff from one supplier but give it a couple of weeks and suddenly you rarely hear about their wares as the hoard move on to discover the latest, greatest thing. This is simply an observation of online dynamics and not a criticism.

The Internet Vaping Community

By Dave Cross

I don’t know about you but I’ve joined and then left many groups on Facebook, some within minutes of being accepted. One of the things I wonder about when clicking on the join button is whether the effort being placed into that motion is even worth the bother because it usually isn’t.

Once allowed into a sanctum restricted to those deemed worthy (which appears to be every person desiring to join) my first question is ‘why wasn’t this an open forum in the first place?’ I see a familiar array of icons depicting omnipresent Facebook profiles, some achieving to be in more places at the same time than even a God could lay claim to.